A healing ministry…
who we are
Project Rachel is a Post-Abortion Healing Ministry that offers an integrated approach to healing for anyone affected by abortion. Our trained staff makes referrals to a network of priests, religious, counselors and laypersons who provide a team response of care to those suffering in the aftermath of abortion.
Our program is open to anyone who seeks reconciliation and healing, regardless of their faith tradition. We want to reach out to you with the love of Christ to help you become reconciled to God, your lost child/children and within your heart.
what we do
Our ministry can provide the following resources:
• A confidential helpline to speak with someone who understands where you have been and resources to help you heal
• Spiritual support from a priest who can answer spiritual questions you may have and/or help you prepare for the Sacrament of
• Psychological support from a licensed mental health professional for therapy related to complicated grief and trauma
• Charity care funds for therapy, group healing events or other recovery related needs
• 5 group healing events each year
• Services and resources available in both English and Spanish
For More Info:
English Helpline: 703-841-2504
Spanish Helpline: 703-841-2504, ext. 268
Men’s Helpline: 703-841-3833
“I highly encourage those living in pain to seek the Lord and find healing in companionship with other women. It is a secure, loving, grace filled experience…My soul was crying out for this kind of healing.” ”